The Lake Economic Area Development (LEAD) Partnership is a public/private organization created and designed to lead efforts in further growing, diversifying and uniting the Lake County regional economy.

The organization works closely with government, private businesses, chambers of commerce, educational and workforce organizations and other related stakeholders to collectively drive economic growth in Lake County.

How LEAD Can Help Your Business Thrive.

LEAD is committed to the advancement of economic development efforts to support the people, businesses and communities of Lake County…

The Lake Economic Area Development (LEAD) Partnership is a public/private organization created and designed to lead efforts in further growing, diversifying and uniting the Lake County regional economy.

The organization works closely with government, private businesses, chambers of commerce, educational and workforce organizations and other related stakeholders to collectively drive economic growth in Lake County.

LEAD aspires to create businesses! We provide prospective individuals or partnerships with the resources and network to become entrepreneurs. Increasing investment in the region’s innovation clusters and emerging industries encourage economic diversification.

LEAD helps existing businesses with issues relating to permitting, workforce assistance, financing, post-disaster continuity and other growth opportunities and challenges. LEAD is your liaison between your business with other businesses, government leaders and local stakeholders.

LEAD facilitates the processes for businesses to move into Lake County by assisting with numerous measures such as attaining capital investors or local funding, location and economic data analysis, bridging relations to help meet governmental requirements and potentially providing custom trained workforce prior to arrival.



Lake Economic Area Development
(LEAD) Partnership

600 Market St.
Leesburg, FL 34748

(352) 764-4123

Ray Villegas, IOM

Vice President of LEAD & Business Creation

Mike Kelly

Director of Business Retention & Expansion

Portrait of Mason

Mason Henson

Director of Business Attraction

Kevin Sheilley​

Executive Director

Heather Shubig

Chief Growth Officer

Portrait of Monty Fletcher

Monty Fletcher

Manager of Business Support

Board of Directors

Our Leadership

Abel Biri

Al Minner
City of Leesburg

Ben Pauluhn
Optimus Energy

Brad Weber
Citizens First Bank

Chris Creech
RCM Utilities/City of Umatilla

Christian Miller
CM Dredging

Dan Tatro
Grizzard Commercial Real Estate

Dan Robuck
RoMac Building Supply

Doug Childers
Lassiter Ware Insurance

Doug Shields
Lake County Commissioner

Duane Booth

Joe Ciceri
Electrical Works

Joel Gunter
Duke Energy

Kathy Judkins
SECO Energy

Lance Sewell
Orlando Health/South Lake Hospital

Mary Ellen Stern
Lake County Government

Mike Duffield
Greenway Electrical Services

Phil Braun
UF Health

Spencer Schar
Bella Collina

Tyler Brandeburg
Brown & Brown/Lake County Schools


How can I be engaged and involved?

LEAD is funded through investments. Our public and private investors are making an investment in the future of our communities and business. Over time, they expect to see a return through increased employment and business establishments leading to greater wealth and stronger communities.

Learn about how you can become an investor today.


Thank You